Unicorn Network Webinar Highlights
January 30, 2021
Presented by Cate Kozikowski
This webinar is property of United American Capital Corporation, Unicorn Network, Inc., SafeZone, Inc., and may not be recorded, and then distributed to the public. Any transcriptions/translations provided live by the “Power of WE” are not official. Please wait for the official English recap and translations for the complete details presented during any webinar.
Disclaimer: You are always personally responsible for your own actions; nothing contained in this or any webinar is to be constituted as advice for any reason. Do your own due diligence and speak with your own experts before making any decisions, such as those relating to health, finances, taxes, and business, to name a few. Decisions to buy digital Fractional Owner Rights (F.O.R.) need always to be based on the information found on the website only and none of the information shared in any webinar is legally binding to the Company, only content directly on the TwnklEstate website is legally binding.
1. LotteFree re-launch
2. Introducing MoneyPon EXPRESS
3. Introducing SafeIdent
4. Bridge coin and the Likquid platform
Cate welcomes everyone with a hearty WAAAZZZUUUBBB and says thank-you for attending. She has some very exciting updates to share!!!
Firstly, a nice image of Unicorn Network’s motto:
Our Unicorn Network motto is Magically Changing the World, which we do through the Power of We! That is, all of us individually, working together in our own way towards common goals. This is what the Power of We represents and stands for.
So, it’s about us, all of us together being successful, and if you individually have that same mindset when introducing new members to enjoy our network and its various activities and awesome projects, they too will be successful. As Zig Ziglar (a well-known American author and successful salesman) famously said: ‘If you help enough people get what THEY want, then you get what YOU want!’ All of us in this company are in this together, ALL working together as ONE for all of our success; and We Share Success, so the more each person is successful individually, the more all of us are successful together, and that is the Power of We!
Cate now introduces the relaunch of LOTTEFREE (basically the same as what we had previously with just a few changes), which is within the SafeZone:
It’s free to join (as with all our projects); you receive 1 FREE entry everyday, and there could be multiple winners each day.
Log in with your SafeZone pass (https://lottefree.com/) and place your first free entry.
The middle square, second row, shows the last draw entry of 4 numbers between 0-9.
Also, you can see in the top middle square, YEMPOT, see details below.
How to Win?
As shown, just click “YOUR NUMBERS” and then click “NEXT DRAW” to pick your 4-digit winning numbers. Each day you get 1 free entry into the daily draw and you can purchase more entries with Free YEM (FYEM). 1 FYEM = 1 entry.
But, if you want to enter more draws on any given day, you can do that with your FREE YEM. Keep in mind, you can only spend your FYEM in LOTTEFREE, NOT regular YEM.
There are lots of ways to collect FYEM such as: making statements at PRO or NO!, participating at WazzUb, participating in PRIZE MANIA’s daily prize draws and lots of other things.
Each day a new winning 4-digit number is drawn, and if at least the last 2 digits of your entered numbers is correct, you win a daily prize.
There are 3 ways to win a daily prize:
Now for the cool YEMPOT part:
If you win a daily prize, you are automatically entered for the monthly YEMPOT draw.
The monthly YEMPOT winning numbers are announced live on the first SafeZone Radio Show of each month.
If there are multiple YEMPOT winners, then the prize will be split.
Now something very, very super cool:
While you win FYEM on the daily prize draws, if you win the monthly YEMPOT draw, then that is regular YEM!
LOTTEFREE is part of PRIZE MANIA, so besides the specific rules mentioned above, the PRIZE MANIA terms also apply to LOTTEFREE.
How you enter:
In the top left box, click “YOUR NUMBERS” and then click “NEXT DRAW” to pick your 4-digit winning numbers.
As you see, there are 2 buttons: First, go to ENTER 4 DIGITS square and enter the 4 digits of your choice, whatever it is you want to choose, through 0-9.
Once you’ve entered your numbers, click ADD TO NEXT DRAW and right below you will see your selected numbers for the next draw.
Since you get your first draw free each day, it pays to come and at least get your free entry every day, and you can just spend FYEM if you want to enter more than 1 draw – it’s very quick and straightforward.
There’s no limit, you can enter as many draws as you want! 1 YEM = 1 entry (apart from your first free entry), so for example 20 more entries will automatically withdraw 20 FYEM from your PerNum Wallet.
As you see here in the LOTTEFREE YEMPOT, there is 123,458,211 YEM, which at today’s value, is almost half a million USD!
This is super exciting, and especially for those of you who are our newest members joining us, who have only so far been able to get regular YEM through the YEMExchange and purchasing from another YEM holder. This now is your chance to build up: firstly, your Free YEM (FYEM) by participating in the daily LOTTEFREE and the activities mentioned above, and secondly, at the same time, you could also build your regular YEM fortune by winning a monthly YEMPOT draw!
Good luck to everybody, we look forward to seeing who will be our first YEMPOT winner! https://lottefree.com/
What else do we have to share?
You all remember MoneyPon right? Well now, MoneyPon presents a new way to pay: MoneyPon EXPRESS!
What makes MoneyPon EXPRESS special?
You like it fast?
You can now get your USD or EUR MoneyPon really fast, in minutes. There is no signup or login required. All you need to do is: SELECT, PAY and REDEEM; super simple.
To get started, once this is live, all you need to do is to click on “Buy MoneyPon Express” button.
Let’s learn more about it. MoneyPon EXPRESS is the fastest way to buy your gift card:
Step 1. Just enter the amount and currency (USD or EUR).
Step 2. Make your payment.
Step 3. Copy your MoneyPon code and use it.
Now, please have in mind, that your MoneyPon EXPRESS is like cash at participating websites. That means, you should redeem it instantly. Use MoneyPon Express when you are about to make a payment; so only use it when you actually need it.
The very cool news: You can pay your MoneyPon EXPRESS with PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, Maestro and AMEX (American Express).
But the even better news: Dragon Global has decided to accept MoneyPon EXPRESS for your PerNum Multi Wallet upgrade payments!
So, if you want to pay for a PerNum Wallet upgrade using one of these payment options, then MoneyPon EXPRESS is the fastest way to go.
This is anticipated to be happening this coming week; we will keep you all posted as soon as it is live.
Now we have been aware of and understand all the issues and challenges (some countries are not supported, technical challenges like error messages, hard times using the app, etc.) associated with the IDnow process. We thank you all for your feedback and patience while we have been trying to sort out all these challenges.
As you all know, we are always looking for solutions when challenges pop up, and today, I’m happy to announce that we have a brand-new process coming very soon called SAFEIDENT.
What is the amazing thing about this process? The WHOLE process is all done in-house within our SafeZone network!
Welcome to the SafeIdent Verification Process
Please follow the steps on this screen. The whole process should not take more than 5 minutes. You can do the verification on any PC, laptop, tablet, or smart phone. We recommend a smart phone.
Take care that you have a fast and stable internet connection.
Please have your proof of identity and proof of address with you.
So, as you can see, there are no codes or apps to download; it’s all done safely and privately through our unique SafeZone network.
For those of you who have already paid for the IDnow verification, but have not completed the process, of course you do NOT need to pay again; our team will take care of and handle all that for you.
Unless you are a cheater (and we are always looking), you would need to pay again, but there again, maybe you wouldn’t have to, as it’s highly likely, you would be KICKED OUT. We do not tolerate cheaters in our Network; we are very pro-active in eliminating cheating and cheaters; winners never cheat, and cheaters never win!
As you see, this is very, very cool; SafeIdent is a much simpler and more straightforward verification process.
Keep in mind, you will still need to pay the US$10 charge for the verification, but instead of going through IDnow, you will now be paying our own team who will take care and manage all of that for everyone.
And hey, this could mean new jobs for some people, so all good stuff there!
We are hoping to have this opened up during the next couple of weeks, by mid-February. We will keep you all posted as soon as we have new updates. Of course, for now, you can still complete your verification process as normal; the IDnow process does work most of the time for most people, but for some, a few challenges can occur, which is why we are upgrading to our own process to solve these challenges. So this is a great step forward for all of us.
And now next, of course, the BRIDGE COIN, remember that bridge coin we’ve talked about? So let’s find out more:
When we are talking about the bridge coin, we are talking about LIQUIDITY.
Therefore, we now have a LIKQUID PLATFORM!
Remember what we were talking about back in November, 2020, when the bridge coin topic was first discussed? Well, what we have now about to launch, is so far beyond what we talked about back in November; all that positive energy and talk that was happening then to find the perfect solution…well, it’s now about to be launched, so, well done everybody, keep up the great work!
Wow, you guys are going to be blown away when you hear this!
Now let’s learn more: What’s the whole purpose of the bridge coin?
It is liquidity, so, here’s the scenario: We have YEM, and we want some fiat USD, because we have some things that we want to do with the dollars that we can’t yet do with YEM. Well no problem, it is all part of the evolution, we have the solutions now, so let’s see what they are:
As you see in this image, we’re talking about the bridge coin and its Likquid platform.
Through this Likquid platform, you’re going to be able to buy the bridge coin.
On top of that there will be an External Exchange where you will be able to sell your bridge coin.
As we know we want to convert YEM into the bridge coin. So this is also an entry gate, meaning, if you come in through the External Exchange, you would purchase the bridge coin, and then you could use that bridge coin to purchase YEM.
Whether you are exiting to sell your YEM or entering to get YEM, either way, this Likquid platform with the bridge coin is your place to go!
We know about YEM, but what else is there?
Anthony Norman (CEO, Dragon Global) has said that we could get stocks (equity) with the bridge coin.
The point is: You don’t buy stocks directly with YEM. First, you buy the bridge coin with YEM, and then, you buy the stock with your bridge coin.
Be aware: Some stocks you might want to buy with your bridge coin, may have a restriction on them, meaning, when you purchase the stock, you may have to wait before you can sell it. A lot of stocks are like that. On the other hand, some stocks won’t have those restrictions, so you'll have to pay careful attention when you're checking out the stocks you want to buy as to whether they have restrictions or not (if this matters to you).
What other good things are there to know about in the Likquid platform?
As you know in our PerNum Multi Wallet, we have an Asset Wallet that stores our precious metal digital assets such as: Twnkl Gold Goin (TGC) for Gold; Twnkl Silver Coin (TSC) for Silver; and Twnkl Copper Coin (TCC) for Copper.
Well guess what? We need a marketplace, as we can’t sell those metals on the YEMExchange, because gold, silver and copper have a fixed rate; you need to use the market rate for those precious metals.
So, this will be the marketplace for those digital assets. To repeat, you could exchange your bridge coin for those digital assets (gold, silver, copper) – this is all so amazing!
Now, is there anything else you can do?
Yes! You can also spend crypto to get bridge coins. As you know, we have the BTCY and the ETHY for Bitcoin and Ethereum; BTCY and ETHY are the stable coins on the YEMChain for those public cryptocurrencies. So again, this is your bridge with the public cryptocurrency world.
This means, that you can take your public cryptos, your Bitcoin and Ethereum, and use them to get them on the YEMChain. And then, you can spend those BTCY or ETHY to get your bridge coin and then you can use that to buy stock, precious metals etc., and also of course, YEM.
The SafeZone is all about the nice stuff without all the bad stuff, so only high-quality crypto coins (like BTC and ETH) will be considered to be added in the future… there are way too many scam crypto coins out there, and as you know, that’s not us; it’s exactly why we have our SafeZone network, to protect ourselves from such scams and scammers!
Again, is there anything else we can do on the Likquid platform?
And hey, yes again! What about REAL ESTATE?
Now, what is the really cool thing about this? The Real Estate will be for our TwnklEstate properties. Remember the Fractional Ownership Rights (F.O.R.)? Well, the F.O.R. holders will be able to trade their F.O.R. on a marketplace. And guess what again? Here is the marketplace!
We have 2 properties where the F.O.R. are officially confirmed. These will be the first 2 properties where the F.O.R. could be exchanged through this Likquid platform.
Do understand this: As the reference coin for this Likquid platform will be the bridge coin, then of course, you would exchange your F.O.R. for the bridge coin and then you can do whatever you want with the bridge coin. And for people who want to purchase your F.O.R., they would first need to get bridge coins in order to buy your F.O.R.
So now you are getting the idea: Everything is based on the bridge coin as the reference coin on this platform; like the YEM is the reference coin on the YEMChain, it’s the same kind of process.
Well now, maybe there is still something else!
This is very exciting; as you know, we’ve talked about a special program where you could deposit into a special wallet and just by holding it there you receive a monthly benefit. Well, that is what you see with the LAM.
LAM stands for Likquid Asset Management.
This is the part where you receive a 20% bonus for participating, however, there are a few small changes:
Previously, we said that you could keep your YEM, however, it has been updated a little, where now you will exchange your YEM for the bridge coin and then the bridge coin is what you would hold in your LAM Wallet, and what you receive the monthly benefits for staking.
A couple of reasons why LAM is such a cool program right now:
1. We just mentioned that our SafeIdent will be launching in a couple of weeks, but we’re expecting the bridge coin to be coming out even earlier, this Monday, February 1 (where it opens for reservation deposits, as of the recap being posted it is open, see below for more updates).
2. You are now probably asking yourselves, then how is everyone going to be able to participate? Well, you do NOT need to be fully verified in order to deposit. That is needed only if you are going to be cashing out through the exchange, or cashing out the monthly return on investment when you are participating in LAM. So, again, you do not have to be fully verified immediately.
Let’s now find out a bit more about this LAM (Likquid Asset Management) program and the Likquid platform as a whole:
For the exchange, KYC verification is also needed, because you are trading, you are cashing out (withdrawing) essentially. And once again, also before cashing out of the LAM (if participating), you would need to have yourself verified. But, there is no rush to become verified; your deposit can remain in your LAM Wallet for as long as you like, or until you are ready, no problem there.
Another great thing about the LAM program: The experts do all the work for you, you simply make a deposit, and receive the monthly return on your investment – super, super cool and exciting!
And the monthly returns will be paid into your PerNum Multi Wallet in the Fiat Wallet area.
And another great info is that you can buy the bridge coin whenever you want, this is an ongoing thing. If you want to participate in let’s say 6 months from now, you are welcome to do so. The one caveat is if you want to get the 20% bonus for participating in the LAM program, this bonus is only available for a limited time when the program launches. The LAM and whole Likquid program will be available to join at anytime after launch.
The whole Likquid platform will be opening for reservation deposits on February 1st (it is open at the time this recap is being posted) and we have an announcement in Wazzub, that you should keep an eye on for further updates as available (more on this below).
Our plan is to have the whole program LAUNCH as quickly as possible, somewhere by mid-February. This is when you will be able to participate officially in the Likquid platform and choose lots of the exciting things that you would like to do, that we already discussed today on this webinar.
This is very important: the 20% bonus for participating in the platform, is only being offered for the LAM (Likquid Asset Management) program and it is applied when you officially confirm your deposit and participation.
Also important to understand, when you exchange your YEM for the bridge coins, you are leaving the SafeZone in a way, it is your own choice and responsibility to know what you do, if you want your YEM to remain in the SafeZone, then keep it in your PerNum Wallet and spend it otherwise. The Likquid platform is a bridge to the SafeZone, so while you can log in with your SafeZone Pass to the Likquid website, it is still a 3rd party site and while you can always exchange bridge coins back for YEM, the number of YEM you receive on the exchange back may be less due to price fluctuations. So be aware of these important things before you take action.
The reservation deposits are open now for YEM, USDY, EURY, BTCY, and ETHY. You will need your desired currency in your PerNum Multi Wallet before doing your reservation deposit for the Likquid platform. You can cancel and change your deposit at any time and you will be asked for final confirmation when the program launches.
For those who are still wondering the exact name of the bridge coin, it will not be revealed until the official launch to prevent manipulation.
Further updates with more details will be shared when the program officially launches.
Visit the Likquid platform directly at:
Keep an eye on the official WazzUb Announcement for further updates as available:
As you see, great things are happening with tons of options for everyone to participate in within the Likquid platform.
Update from Support: For those who have made deposits to their PerNum Multi Wallet and are still waiting for those deposits to be credited, be sure to make sure your proper account or wallet address info is saved on the deposit page and be sure you note your reference number as the first thing on your deposit (USD/EUR), there were some updates recently posted in WazzUb and on the deposit areas as applicable. If you previously uploaded a TXID for BTC/ETH deposits, go back and save your wallet address to ensure your deposit is properly credited. Thank you.
Cate finishes up by saying that she is so excited about bringing all this incredible news in this webinar to everyone; that the Likquid platform is so much more than just what we were originally talking about back in November. The Likquid platform is ever so much better; it solves so many more different things that we have been working on from the Real Estate to the digital asset precious metals, and even many more options than we had anticipated such as buying stocks and so on and so forth.
Cate hopes that we are all as excited as she is with all these amazing things happening in our Network right now!
Cate reminds us that LOTTEFREE is now active, so head that way, have some fun, and you never know, you could be the first monthly YEMPOT winner!
She gives a goodbye WAAAZZZUUUBBB, wishes us all the best, and that she will see us all again next time!
With your success in mind,
Cate Kozikowski and
Your WAZZUB Support Team
Additional Info from Support:
Need help? Use the handy SUPPORT hexagon in the SafeZone.
For all Unicorn Network Webinar info:
Log in to read recaps and register for webinars here: https://www.safe.zone (WEBINARS hexagon)
For all Rainbow Currency Webinar info:
Read recaps and register for webinars here:
https://www.rainbowcurrency.com (WEBINAR RECAPS button from menu)
Remember to check out the SafeZone Radio Show too at a NEW TIME!
Airing live every Thursday from 11a.m.-12 p.m. USA Pacific Time. Listen live and check out past show recordings at: https://www.safe.zone (RADIO SHOWS hexagon)
Please note effective March 20, 2019 Unicorn Network is updating its social media policy. Member updates will be posted in WazzUb.com under the NEWS area, please check there for member updates. External social media pages and groups will be closing step by step. We will post further updates as available. Thank you.
Unicorn Network Third Party Social Media Disclaimer;
The Unicorn Network uses third party websites and applications for marketing, and will often ask members to voluntarily interact with these services in order to increase reach of our postings. However, unless specifically stated, the Unicorn Network does not vouch for the safety or security of these services, and the member is advised that they use these services with the understanding that any issues which may arise from their usage are not the responsibility of the Unicorn Network.
** Reminder for all members: ** We have a strict anti-spam policy. Please be professional when sharing links for any of our offers. It has been noticed that some members have been posting their links on other people and group's Facebook pages. ** This is spamming!!! ** You should not post your links on anybody else's pages or in groups unless it is a page or group specifically set up for sharing business opportunities. You should not post your links on the timeline of any other person in any Social site unless they have given you permission to do so. Please be respectful and professional. Thank You.
Member Invitation guidelines
***Dear Members,
Our Rainbow Currency is a very exciting opportunity for all members and for the future of commerce and financial transactions.
We know everyone is super excited and very eager and innovative in promoting our Rainbow Currency and this once-in-a-lifetime occurrence.
As always we want to be mindful of the reputation of the company and of course yourself when promoting. A few things to be mindful of:
A. Whenever translating any information, brand names must be in English. Rainbow Currency, Twnkl, Glitter, Rainbow, SafeZone, etc., must be in English.
B. Always give accurate information using company pages as a guideline for information. Don't mislead by making wild claims or by changing the meaning of anything. If you are not sure what something means, please clarify.
C. Be sure to comply with local and International anti-spam regulations regarding emails. If using mailings you should be sure that those you are sending emails to are opted-in to receive emails. If you are emailing friends/family be sure to respect their wishes if they ask you not to send them offers.
D. Never use our Mailaxy for any marketing mailings. It is intended to be used for personal use only. Accounts may be closed if we get blacklisted due to members using Mailaxy for marketing and marked as spam.
E. In Social Media such as Facebook, Twitter, etc., always follow their terms of use.
*Never post your links or promotions on the profile page of any other member. If you post on your own profile those who follow you will see it if they follow your posts.
*Never reply to someone else's post or comment with links or promotions.
*If you belong to groups that allow you to post marketing, and there are many, be sure to follow their rules and don't flood them with constant posts. Watch to see what others do as a group. If there are several hundreds or thousands of active people in that group and there is only one person posting the same thing every 5 minutes or every hour don't do the same thing just because that one person does it. Do what is customary for that group.
F. Don't constantly tag random people on your posts. That function is meant to tag a person who may be in a picture, or tag someone that needs to take attention to that post because it is relevant to them.
G. Don't add people to groups without their permission. This happens to me all the time and it is very annoying. You can send invitations and that gives the person the option to join, ignore, or simply delete your request.
H. Many members have posted marketing material that can be used and shared, graphics and videos that can be shared, and ideas on better marketing practices. Always be mindful to personalize things that you use and be sure to keep information accurate. If you see something that you like that has not been given to share or use, always contact the owner of that material and ask their permission before doing anything with it.
I. If you create your own Pages, Groups, Blogs, etc., be sure you comply with the terms of use of the host. Be sure you comply with our Affiliate Guidelines for Social Media and Internet Activity. You can view them here:
Because our websites are hosted on the worldwide web, access may be available in other countries. We are happy to make the content, software, products, and/or services available to people in any country where legal to do so. And while we are not currently aware of any country that bans information of this type, nor specifically the information we provide, we make no representation that materials on the websites are appropriate or legal for use in any locations outside the United States. The laws regarding use of content, software, products, and/or services via the Internet may vary in different countries. If you have access to our websites from a location outside the United States of America, you and you alone are responsible for compliance with all applicable laws of your jurisdiction. Accessing the websites is prohibited from any country where the contents are deemed illegal, or where they are contrary to regulations.
Earnings Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our project. Any examples of results are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Your level of success in attaining the results claimed on our website depends on the time you devote to the project, on your knowledge and on various marketing skills. Since these factors differ according to individuals, we cannot guarantee any success or specific result. Nor are we responsible for any of your actions. Materials found on our website may contain information that includes or is based upon forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements give our expectations or forecasts of future events. You can identify these statements by the fact that they do not relate strictly to historical or current facts. They use words such as “anticipate,” “estimate,” “expect,” “project,” “intend,” “plan,” “believe,” and other words and terms of similar meaning in connection with a description of potential results or earnings.
Copyright © 2011-2021 United American Capital Corporation, Unicorn Network, Inc., SafeZone, Inc.
All rights reserved.